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Revised Jun 9 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Feb. 11, 1789

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Wednesday 11th February 1789

Moderate and cloudy Weather with Squalls. Heavy Rain with Squalls during the night with Thunder and Lightning. Wind ESE and Northerly Thermometer 79° to 82°.

Employed at the Forge making Tools for the Natives. Carpenters Caulking over the Boatswains Store Room. Boatswain drying some wet Stores and a few Hands getting Wood.

Three men in the Venereal list. Sufficient supplies but not many Natives about us. My Teppahoo and his Family left me to day to go to Tettahah where their presence was necessary at a Grand Heivah which was to be performed as soon as they arrived.

These Heivahs are performed by People who travel round the Island like a set of strolling Players in England, and in every District where they perform all the principal people make presents of Cloth to them with provisions and every thing they are in Want of.

A small party of these Strollers past here this morning and in compliment (for they were hurrying down to Tettahah by appointment) they sent me word that they would perform a Heivah before me. I therefore immediatly attended. The Party consisted of four Men and Two Girls, the youngest a mere child. Their dress was in the Common Stile but not so prettily ornamented as I have hitherto seen it. What was new however at least what I have not seen this time of my being here, was Wood drums beat with two Sticks in time with their others. These were nothing more than a log of wood about three feet long and about 20 Inches Diameter hollowed out and cut through in the side. They made a clattering noise. The Girls had twisted fibres of Grass about a foot long with a Ring at one end which filled the fingers and one of them had a small ring of Feathers which gave an appearance of more motion in the fingers than they realy had. The Part of these Girls was very short, when they dropt all their dress suddenly before me as a present (for it was tyed conveniently for that purpose) and went off without my seeing them any more. The men now began their performance which of all things that was ever beheld I imagine was the most uncommon and detestable.

They suddenly took off what cloating they had about their Hips and appeared quite Naked. One of the men was prepared for his part, for the whole business now became the power and capability of distorting the Penis and Testicles, making at the same time wanton and lascivious motions. The Person who was ready to begin had his Penis swelled and distorted out into an erection by having a severe twine ligature close up to the Os Pubis applied so tight that the Penis was apparently almost cut through. The Second brought his stones to the head of his Penis and with a small cloth bandage he wrapt them round and round up towards the Belly, stretching them at the same time very violently untill they were near a foot in length which the bandage kept them erect at, the two stones and head of the Penis being like three small Balls at the extremity. The Third person was more horrible than the other two, for with both hands seizing the extremity of the Scrotum he pulled it out with such force, that the penis went in totally out of sight and the Scrotum became shockingly distended. In this manner they danced about the Ring for a few mintues when I desired them to desist and the Heivah ended, it however afforded much laughter among the spectators.

At Noon Tynah came as usual to go off to the ship to dine with me, but he was with his wife first obliged to pay a Visit to Wanowoorah, the wife of the famous Old Admiral Tettowah. He I have already mentioned died many months before I arrived. This Man was called Towha by Captain Cook, but he is not known by that name at present.

In this visit I was of the party by Tynahs desire. We found the Old Lady (for she is considered a high personage) sitting on the beach at the head of her Cannoe with one old man an attendant. With Tynah were three Men and a Priest carrying a small ugly puppy, a Fowl, and two young Plantain suckers. With these offerings which are called Otee, Tynah and his party seated themselves about 10 yards from the old woman, and were then addressed by her in short sentences for about ten minutes and received her Otee, which was exactly the same as his. The Priest in return made a short prayer, and then Tynahs offering was presented to the old woman each article seperate with particular expressions attending the delivery of each, all of which tended to assure her of his protection. The Priest being done, Tynah rose very gracefully and in a most affectionate manner went to the old woman and embraced her. She returned his kindness with a flood of tears and many expressions which I could not understand, she remained in tears for near an half hour when he conducted her to a small shed and she became as merry as could be. She is old and infirm, as therefore she could not be of our Party, we took our leave and left her. I find that when any Freinds or Principal people come where Tynah is, it is by him that they are found in every necessary article, and it is scarce a day but what he is has some one from one part of the Island or another.

Feb 9, 1789

The Peeah which I spoke of on the 9th was to day taken out of the receiver and made up into large Balls by moistening it with water, and put in the sun to dry. It has therefore been two days in water. For present use it requires to be no longer than to settle for which an hour is sufficient. It will require to be kept constantly in the sun for many days before it will be sufficiently dry for keeping, it will then continue good for use as long or longer than my Flour. A small quantity scraped off as wanted for use and mixed with boiling water or milk makes a very fine Panada. It may be got in very great quantities and I have directed several Kegs to be filled with it. The Root also I have direct Mr. Nelson to get.

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