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Revised Jun 9 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Feb. 10, 1789

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Tuesday 10th February 1789

Moderate Breezes with Calms in the middle part and cloudy Weather. Wind at times Westerly, but the true Wind without ENE. Thermometer 80° to 82¼°.

Employed at the Forge and the afternoon finished washing with boiling water. Sent hands to cut wood. Found leaks in the Boatswains Store Room.

Tynah has apparently taken every pains to find out the person who cut our Cable, but to no effect. I have therefore chose no longer to give him uneasiness about it. HIs readiness to serve me and his good disposition convinces me he has no knowledge of the person who has done it, and it has given no small degree of happiness to the whole Family that I have acquitted them of their having any hand in the Affair.

Tynah continues to give me a Tree or two every day; and I therefore as it is a leisure time get them cut up and lodged ashore at the Post to be in readiness, when I begin to fit out.

Yesterday afternoon I have spoken of the process of preparing the Peeah, but not untill to day Noon was the water taken from it and not then considered fit to be made into Balls. I shall see the complete management of this business. It has however been 24 Hours in water, and is now covered again.

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