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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jan. 12, 1789

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Monday 12th January 1789

Fresh Breezes Calms and Lightning in the middle part, and Squally at Sea. Wind NE, SE, SW, and West. Thermometer 79° and 81°.

Armourer at the Forge. Hands employed refitting all the Rigging that I can keep below under cover and the Boats going to and from the Post on shore as necessary.

Natives bring sufficient supplies as usual. Six men in the Venereal List.

No Cannoes as yet will venture to sea for Tetturoah but I have still the strongest assurances that the Deserters will be taken and brought back. Oreepyah is determined to sail on this service if the Wind comes moderate and Steady.

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