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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 5, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Friday 5th December 1788

Fresh Gales and dark cloudy Weather with much Rain in the middle part and some Calms. The wind at EBS Variable to the NW and latterly at ESE and South. Much swell setting in and the Sea at times breaking on the Dolphin Bank. The ship rolling very much and a heavy Surf on all parts of the shore. The Thermometer from 77½° to 79°.

In the afternoon I directed the Carpenter to cut a large stone that was brought off by one of the Natives, (Odiddee) requesting me to get it made fit for them to grind their Hatchets on, but to my astonishment he refused to comply in direct terms saying "I will not cut the stone for it will spoil my Chissel, and tho there is law to take away my cloaths there is none to take away my Tools". This Man having before shewen his mutinous and insolent behaviour: I was under the necessity to confine him to his Cabbin. Altho I can but ill spare the loss of a single Man, but I do not intend to lose the use of him but remitt him to his duty to morrow.

The Morning passed without any material occurrences. Tynah and his Wife came and dined with me altho the Sea very rough.

Punished Mathew Thompson with 12 lashes for insolence and disobedience of orders.

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