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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 4, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Thursday 4th December 1788

Fresh Gales and Clody Weather with some light showers of Rain. Wind at ESE and the Thermometer from 78° to 80°. Employed as yesterday. Three Venereals in the List. Much swell setting into the Bay.

We have had a pair of sheets to day stolen out of a Gentlemans Hammock but as the theif was not observed or could be traced, I could do nothing towards the recovery. The Cheifs likewise under the same circumstances declared they could not assist me, and I was perfectly sensible of it. I would not on that account suffer them to trouble themselves about it.

This Cloudy Weather is very favorable to our Plants, but the rain is so triffling as not to do them much good, however ¾ of them are in a very thriving way.

I was taken with a sneezing to day from a cold I caught, and when ever it happened my Friends who were present said 'Mydeeai' which is similar to our saying God bless you, on the same occasion.

It is extraordinary that we scarce ever see any Rats on shore. When I was here before the dwellings of the Natives were pestered with them and they burrowed in great numbers about the Houses like Rabbits. Perhaps the Cats that have been left here have destroyed them; for altho they have destroyed them apparently renders them unfit for that purpose. Yet they do but very seldom get any flesh kind, it may have stimulated them to destroy these Vermin.

Cheifs and Natives about me as usual.

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