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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Nov. 23, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Sunday 23d November 1788

Fair Weather with Moderate breezes and sometimes Calm. Wind EBN and Thermometer from 82° to 85¼°.

I gave directions as usual for some of my People to go on shore for their recreation, and I have now the pleasure to see I have only one Man sick, and him in a state of recovery.

I am still on the most affectionate footing with the Natives and have a very friendly intercourse. To prevent my having another Tent on shore as an observatory, I sollicited Tynah to order a House to be brought to the Point for me, and I had no sooner mentioned it, than he ordered one that was near by to be brought immediatly, and I had it fixed in an half hour for as they are only light sheds supported by small posts, six Men will carry one that fifty people may dine in.

I got some Lunar Observations to day and began to find the rate of my Time Keeper, which with my other duties of the ship, and attending to the success of the Plants and the Natives is a severe and most laborious peice of service.

Many of the Plants appear in a dormant state, but most of them are flourishing and those that we are doubtfull of will be removed to morrow.

The Natives bring me sufficient supplies and might get double the quantity had I use for it.

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