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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Oct. 22, 1788

Tuesday, Oct. 21, 1788

1:00 pm Light Airs & Cloudy Weather with Calms in the Middle part, the latter Fair and pleasant Weather & Smooth Water.

4:00 pm The Ship cleaned, and Ventilated with the Pumps as usual.

6:00 pm The Sick List as now delivered to me stands John [actually Thomas] McIntosh, John Millward & Mr Huggan, all under the Complaint Rheumatism. But some others complaining of a feebleness & Pain in their Bones, I directed them all to be fed on Portable Soup and Barley. their usual allowance of the decoction of Malt continued.

10:00 pm I desired the Surgeon (by a message to him) if it was not improper, that the People in general might be served every morning fasting a half hour before their breakfast, a proportion of Elixir Vitrol mixed in water. He agreed with me in this particular and I therefore gave the necessary orders concerning it.

Wednesday, Oct. 22, 1788

7:00 am Saw a Gannet.

8:00 am Served Barley for Breakfast and exercised Small Arms and fired.

10:00 am Got the Best Bower Anchor over.

12:00 pm Very fine Weather.

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