` Bounty Logbook Remarks with Google map, Sep. 21, 1788
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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Sep. 21, 1788

Saturday, Sep. 20, 1788

1:00 pm Light Breezes and fair Weather.

3:00 pmRock Weed and several of the Black Grey Albatrosses about, which the Sailors call Old Curates.

8:00 pm Cloudy.

11:00 pm In Steering Sails.

Sunday, Sep. 21, 1788

7:00 am Misty Weather.

8:00 am Served Hot breakfast as usual. Mustered and saw every person Clean. Saw Seals and Rock Weed.

11:00 am Performed Divine Service.

12:00 pm Wet Foggy Weather. All Reefs out. Swell from the NE. At Noon it cleared a little and got an Altitude of the Sun, which being proved by the Time Keeper I consider it within 2 Miles of the truth if not exact.

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