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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Sep. 20, 1788

Friday, Sep. 19, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Breezes and thick Rainy Weather which encreased to a Fresh Gale. In 2nd Reefs.

6:00 pm Took in all Sails and tryed Soundings with 180 fathoms of line but found no bottom.

8:00 pm Light Winds and thick Rainy Weather. Out 2nd Reef Main Topsail.

Saturday, Sep. 20, 1788

12:00 am Cloudy.

4:00 am Wet Foggy Weather.

7:00 am Out all Reefs, and set Steering Sails. Up Main Top Gallant Yard.

8:00 am Light Airs & Cloudy. Served Portable Soup Gruel for breakfast as usual. Cleaned Well below and got everything that was Wet hung up to dry. Opened all Hatches and Scuttles and gave fresh Air to all parts of the Ship.

12:00 pm Light Airs & Fair Weather all Sails set. No Birds. Swell from the Northward.

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