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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Aug. 9, 1788

Friday, Aug. 8, 1788

1:00 pm The Wind began to increase with very Squally Weather which brought us under Double Reefs.

3:00 pm Rain and Sleet.

5:00 pm It now blew a Strong Gale with Squalls which obliged me to take in the Fore Topsail. At 6 we are under close Reefed Main Topsail Reefed Courses

Saturday, Aug. 9, 1788

2:00 am Hard Gales handed Main Topsail.

3:00 am Rain

6:00 am Set Close Reefed Main Topsail.

8:00 am Strong Gale and fair Weather. Served Portable Soup Gruel as usual and served a Pint of Sweet wort to each Man. Sailmakers Employed putting a 2nd Reef to the second Foresail. Aired and cleaned below. Made two Fires between Decks. Out Reef of the Mainsail.

12:00 pm At Noon Fair Weather and moderate Gale. Light Squalls of Rain at Times. Many Blue Peterels, Pintadas Sheerwaters & small Albatrosses. Much head Sea. Under Dble Reefed Topsails and Reefed Foresail.

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