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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jul. 30, 1788

Tuesday, Jul. 29, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Breezes and fair Weathe out Reefs and set the Fore Topmast and Lower Steering Sails.

10:00 pmSqually Weather. In Steering Sails. Double Reefed the Fore and Single Reefed the Main Topsail.

Wednesday, Jul. 30, 1788

2:00 am Fresh Gales and dark Cloudy Weather with Squalls.

3:00 am In 2nd Reef Main Topsail.

6:00 am Small Rain at times and continued so with fair intervals the remainder of this day.

9:00 amPortable Soup served for breakfast & dinner as before.

10:00 am Sailmakers employed making Bags for the People to hold their Cloaths in. Cleaned & aired below.

12:00 pmSqually with small Rain. Under Single Reefed Main Topsail, foresail, and double Reefed Fore Topsail. A few Albatrosses and Peterels about.

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