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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jul. 29, 1788

Monday, Jul. 28, 1788

1:00 pm Strong gales and Squally Weather.

4:00 pm Got Main Top Gallant Mast and Mizen Topmast down.

8:00 pm More Moderate set close reefed Fore Topsail

Tuesday, Jul. 29, 1788

12:00 am Fresh Gales and fair Weather.

6:00 am Out 2nd Reefs of the Topsails.

8:00 am Served Portable Soup and Oatmeal for breakfast as usual.

10:00 am Up all bedding and bags and cleaned below. Sailmakers repairing the Mizen Topsail & Carpenters Caulking.

12:00 pm Fair Weather and a sharp pleasant air. A few Albatrosses and Peterels about. Opened a Cask of Beef No. 1262 Contents 86 Eight pound Peices. Under Single Reefs.

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