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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 20, 1788

Monday, May. 19, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Gales and dark Cloudy Weatherr.

6:00 pm Ditto Weather and Severe Squalls. Close Reefed the Topsails & Reefed the Courses.

8:00 pm Weather Moderating. Out 4th & 3rd Reefs.

11:00 pm Out all Reefs up Top Gallant Yard & set Fore Topmast Steering Sail.

Tuesday, May. 20, 1788

2:00 am Set Main Topmast Steering Sails.

4:00 am Moderate and Cloudy.

8:00 am Light Breezes & fair. Set Top Gallant Steering Sails. Up all bedding & Bags & Cloaths. Cleaned below.

10:00 amWormed a Rubbed part of the Best Bower with a Cat-Fall. Put the 2nd Main Topsail in good repair. Carpenter about the Boats.

12:00 pm Fine Pleasant Weather which revives a few Rheumatic Invalids. The Quarter Master who fell on Saturday is doing well and no dangerous Symptoms about him.

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