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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 14, 1788

Tuesday, May. 13, 1788

1:00 pm Moderate Breezes and Pleasant Weather.

4:00 pm Coiled the Cables down & bent the Old Main Sail and turned all hands to Dancing.

8:00 pm Fine Night being nearly on a Wind. In 1st Reefs.

Wednesday, May. 14, 1788

3:00 amSqually with Small Rain, and Lightning in the NW.

5:00 am Out Reefs.

7:00 am Made all Sail.

8:00 am Fine Weather. Bent the Old Fore Sail and Fore Topsail.

10:00 am Cleaned and kept all bedding & Chests up all day. Kept Fires below. Carpenters about the Boats.

12:00 pm Moderate Breezes & fair Weather. All Sails & Top Gallant Steering Sails set.

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