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Fateful Voyage

Previous May. 7, 1788HomeLogbook Remarks GMMay. 9, 1788Next

Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 8, 1788

Wednesday, May. 7, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Gales & Squally Weather.

5:00 pm Out 2nd &3rd Reef Fore Topsail.

Thursday, May. 8, 1788

12:00 am Moderate Breezes &Cloudy Weather and Continued so the remainder of these 24 Hours.

7:00 am Set Steering Sails.

8:00 am Employed getting water to hand &about the Rigging. Carpenter about the Boats. Cleaned & dryed below. I this day stopped serving Sweet Wort seeing my People perfectly well & having but a small quantity for the Voyage to enable me to serve it in the Manner I have done but I consider it necessary to continue the Hot breakfast every day of Boiled Wheat and Sugar.

12:00 pm Ditto Weather. Got an indifferent Observation. Albatrosses, Pintada Birds &Sheerwaters as usual.

Latitude by Double Altitudes Following 38°8′South.

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