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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 23, 1788

Tuesday, Apr. 22, 1788

1:00 pm Very Strong Gales with severe Squalls & Snow and Weather Cold.

2:00 pm Under Triple Reefs.

5:00 pm Very heavy Squalls of Snow. Close Reefed the Topsails.

10:00 pm The Gale more Moderate and a Clear Night.

11:00 pm Out 4th Reef of the Main Topsail.

Wednesday, Apr. 23, 1788

3:00 am Out 3rd Reef Main Topsail.

7:00 am Dark Cloudy Weather and small Rain came on Suddenly.

10:00 am Tacked.

11:00 am Strong Gales & thick Weather which brought us under our Courses Reefed.

12:00 pm At Noon Ditto Weather. Hands employed attending Fires below and Cleaning and drying. Served Wort as before to all hands a pint.

Remarks at Noon: Longitude from Cape St. John by Time Keeper 3°09′E.


To enable me to keep my People as healthy as possible, I have not only apropriated my Cabbin to as many as could hang their Hammocks in it, but I also have all the others bedding brought into it every day while I cannot get them upon Deck in the bad Weather, by this means I have the Tween Decks clear and can be properly Aired by Fires as well as the Cabbin. It is to be remembered that all hands are at three Watches, which with the necessary comforts I can give them, such as allways a hot breakfast of wheat with Sugar, Portable Soup in their Pease and a Pint to each man of Sweet Wort a Day, with their allowance of Spirits, (very fine Old Rum) besides keeping them dry as Possible and Clean is all that can be done. I have ommitted to mention that they have as much Sour Krout, Mustard & Vinegar as they can use.

Among the Eight Invalids are my Gunner and One of the Mates both of Which I am in want of, but see no hopes of their being of any Service during this bad Weather and while in this severe Climate.

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