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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 10, 1788

Wednesday, Apr. 9, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Gale & thick Cloud Wr which encreased by 9 O'Clock to a very severe Gale of Wind. The Sea broke much over us and I was obliged to lye too under the Reefed Main Sail.

5:00 pm It continued with heavy Squalls of Sleet & Rain untill 2 O'Clock when we were enabled to set Close Reefed Topsails.

8:00 pm Towards 8 in the Morning it came Moderate Weather with a fine Sun Shine towards Noon. I now Ordered all Cloaths and bedding up, unbattened all the Hatchways and the dead lights out & had a thorough Clean & dry between Decks.

Thursday, Apr. 10, 1788

12:00 am Dryed what Steering Sails were on Deck & put them below.

2:00 am For the first time in this high latitude we saw some Fish about the size of Bonetos and appeared to be Spotted. Many Albatrosses and small Peterels with some Pintada Birds about us.

6:00 am The Sea very high and confused which we hoped fortold a Change of Wind but it freshened up again at Noon.

9:00 am We were now under Double Reefed Fore, and Whole Main Topsail with Reefed Courses.

12:00 pm Got a very good Observation and Altitude for the Longitude.

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