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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 6, 1788

Saturday, Apr. 5, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Gale and thick hazy Weather with heavy Squalls close Reefed the Main Topsail & handed it. Albatrosses Peterels & Pintada Birds about.

5:00 pm A little more Moderate. Set Main Topsail.

8:00 pm A Star Light Night, out 4th Reef Main Topsail & set Fore Topsail.

11:00 pmSqually, handed Fore Topsail.

Sunday, Apr. 6, 1788

6:00 am The Weather more Moderate & Clearing again, out One Reef of each Topsail.

8:00 am Fresh Gale and a head Sea but a dry Air and Fair Weather the Sun at intervals towards Noon very bright. A few Albatrosses and Blue Peterels seen.

12:00 pm Fresh Gale Fair Weather with Squalls. This Morning Cleaned & dryed below. Saw the People all Clean & performed Divine Service. Under Reef Courses and Double Reef Topsails.

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