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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 22, 1788

Friday, Mar. 21, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Breezes and Squally.

3:00 pmHanded Fore & Mizen Topsail

4:00 pm A Very fresh Gale, close reefed the Main Top Sail.

6:00 pm A Strong Gale and a hard clear Sky.

9:00 pm The Sea rising very fast.

Saturday, Mar. 22, 1788

12:00 am A Very heavy Sea.

7:00 am Wind increasing and Sea running very high, reefed the Mainsail and set it.

9:00 am The Gale Moderating out 4th Reef Main Topsail.

11:00 am Set Close Reefed Fore Topsail

12:00 pm Fresh Gale and clear Weather. A Seal and different kinds of Albatrosses seen.


The Gale encreased with much violence and continued so the whole Night with an exceeding high Sea, however I was not put from under my Courses and a close Reefed Main Topsail which I was obliged to persevere in carrying or heave the Ship too, which I did not think proper as I determined if possible to get to the south of Falklands Islands.

The Air is now become very Sharp, and some of my people begin to feel rheumatic pains, but as they are at three Watches and dry Births to sleep in without much fatigue, I hope that complaint will not hang much about them.

At Noon the Gale took off and the Sea much down with clear Weather and a Cold air. Cape St. John or East part of Staten Land bears from us S.27E. distance 110 Miles. I therefore determined to make a South Course if possible to fall in with the land of Terra del Fuego near Streights Le Maire.

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