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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 21, 1788

Thursday, Mar. 20, 1788

1:00 pmSqually Weather.

2:00 pm In 2nd Reef Mast & 3rd Reef Fore Topsail and down Main Top Gallant Yard.

4:00 pm Violent squalls and a very hard Gale that gave us scarce time to bring the Ship too under the Mizen Staysail.

8:00 pm No Ground at 50 fathoms.

9:00 pm The Sea running so very high I was obliged to set the Main Topsail close reefed to prevent accident from heavy Weather Rolls. and the Ship lay too much better.

Friday, Mar. 21, 1788

1:00 am More Moderate, set the Foresail.

2:00 am Set the Fore Topsail close Reefed & Main Sail.

4:00 am More Moderate set the close Reefed Mizen Topsail.

6:00 am Out 4th & 3rd Reefs.

8:00 am Fresh Gale and fair Weather.

9:00 am Out 2nd Reef Main Topsail unbent the Old Mainsail and bent a New One. Very Squally in 3rd Reefs.

12:00 pm Light Winds & Cloudy, but got a good Observation. Saw a Whale, and Ice Bird & some Albatrosses. The Course in lying too is the Medium of her coming to, and falling off, and I allow One Mile more drift than the Log gives.


The Gale of this day came on very quick upon us, so that we had scarce time to secure our Sails, the Wind also was very violent and the Sea in the Course of a few Hours became breaking and very troublesome to us. We had now begun to look out for our Equinoctial Gale, and being all prepared we cared little about it, however the short continuance was very agreeable, but as I expected a repetition, it induced me to keep in with the Coast of Patagonia and at Noon as I feared the Wind came more to the Southward. I suppose Cape Virgin Mary to bear S.50W. distance 33 leagues and the N.W. of the Falklands Islands E.8S. distance 43 leagues.

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