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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 16, 1788

Saturday, Mar. 15, 1788

1:00 pm Moderate & fair Weather.

2:00 pm Saw five land Birds of the Hawk kind

4:00 pm Light Winds

6:00 pm75 fathoms Very fine Sand of a greenish colour

8:00 pm Fine Night out 1st Reefs

11:00 pm Whale seen

Sunday, Mar. 16, 1788

4:00 am Cloudy Weather.

5:00 am Up Main Top Gallant yard & set Top Gallant Lower & Topmast Steering Sails

8:00 am Dark Cloudy Weather saw a ship in the WNW standing to the North.

10:00 am Mustered and Saw every person Clean

12:00 pm Dark Cloudy Weather and a Moderate Breeze Rock weed and Whales seen but few Birds

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