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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 15, 1788

Friday, Mar. 14, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Gales and Squally Saw a Sail in the East lying too under a Main Topsail

4:00 pm Strong Gales and heavy Squalls, Close Reefed & handed the Topsails. down Top Gallant yards & Fore Top Gallant Mast saw another Sail in the South.

10:00 pmWore Ship & set Main Topsail. close reefed

Saturday, Mar. 15, 1788

12:00 am Fresh Gales and much Sea

3:00 am More Moderate set Fore Topsail

6:00 am Out 3d Reefs

8:00 am Fair Weather out 2nd Reefs. Loosed and dryed all wet things and cleaned thoroughly below

12:00 pm Moderate & fair Weather with a Long Sea from the Southward. One Seal & much Rock weed seen. Many Porpoises & a few Albatrosses.

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