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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Feb. 17, 1788

Saturday, Feb. 16, 1788

1:00 pm Moderate Breezes & fine Weather.

6:00 pm Sail in Sight ahead her Courses seen.

8:00 pm Fair Weather with some light Squalls

Sunday, Feb. 17, 1788

2:00 am More Squally Shortened and made Sail Occasionally

4:00 am Fair Weather.

5:00 am Came up with the British Queen of London Simon Paul Master left the Downs 10th November & Falmouth 5th December. Stopt at the Isle of Man 3 Days & got Goats, Hogs, Fowls & Pompions for Money or Old Cloaths. They anchored on the West Side in a good Road 15 fathoms water. Bound to Cape Good Hope a Whaleing.

12:00 pm Fair Weather. I sent letter to the Lords of the Admiralty and my Friends by this Ship and took leave of her.

We have gained 18 Days in our Run of the British Queen.

Remarks at Noon: Thermometer 81½°

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