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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Feb. 15, 1788

Thursday, Feb. 14, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Breezes and fair Weather.

8:00 pm Fine Weather.

Friday, Feb. 15, 1788

8:00 am Fine Clear Weather.

9:00 am Opened a Puncheon of Beef [No.?] [?]16 Contents 86 eight pound pieces

10:00 am Employed making matts & Points & Cleaned below. Served Sour Krout to the People & boiled some with the Pease which will be continued constantly.

12:00 pm Very Fine Weather & sun No birds or Fish. Fore Topmast Steering Sail set and Ship kept 7 points off the Wind.

Remarks at Noon: Thermometer in Air 81½°

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