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Revised May 21 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jan. 30, 1788

Tuesday, Jan. 29, 1788

1:00 pm Moderate Breezes and Squally all round us threatning Rain

4:00 pm Very hard Rain & Squally. Lowered the Tops'l down and spread the Awnings to catch water and before dark got filled 1 firkin[*] 1 Hogshead & 8 gallon of good clean water 10 half Hogsheads of water from the Deck

Wednesday, Jan. 30, 1788

12:00 am Calm & Cloudy with Lightning

6:00 am Fair. Got up all wet Cloaths & bedding to dry. Opened all hatchways & washed and Aired below, as soon as this was done turned all hands to to wash their Cloaths & turned every Article of dirty linnen on Deck belonging to Man or Officer & the different parties employed washing them.

12:00 pm Fine Weather. It has been such an entire Calm since midnight that I imagine the Ship went one way as much as another, unless a Current which I did not chuse to disturb my People (while they were better employed) to try it.

Remarks at Noon: Thermometer in Air 81°

[*] Firkin. A cask that held nine Imperial gallons seventy-two pints.

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