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Revised May 20 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 25, 1787

Monday, Dec. 24, 1787

1:00 pm The Gale begins to abate a little but still very Squally with Hail.

7:00 pm More Moderate but still Squally with Hail, Out 3rd Reefs & set Mizen Topsail.

9:00 pm Weather not so Cold.

10:00 pm Out 2nd Reefs.

Tuesday, Dec. 25, 1787

12:00 am Fresh Gales and Rainy.

2:00 am Set the Main Sail.

4:00 am Moderate & Cloudy up Top Gallant Yard.

8:00 am Some Squalls of Sleet.

9:00 am Moderate & fair Weather. Out all Reefs, up Fore Top Gallant Yard & set Fore & Fore Top Mast Steering Sail. Got all Wet things up to dry & cleaned below.

12:00 pm This being Christmas Day I ordered an Allowance of Rum to be served to each person & Beef & Plum Pudding for Dinner. Ditto Weather. Several Sail in Sight. At 21 hours 48′16″ Apparent Time I found the Longitude by Time Keeper 9°22′30″ West of Greenwich.

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