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Revised May 20 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 24, 1787

In the Channel

Sunday, Dec. 23, 1787

1:00 pm Strong Breezes and Cloudy Weather.

2:00 pm The Bill of Portland NNE distance 5 leagues from Whence I take my Departure allowing it in 50°30′N 2°30″West.

4:00 pmSqually with Sleet, One of the People in furling the Main Top Gallant sail fell Over & was saved by Catching hold of the Main Top Mast Stay by Which he came down not at all hurt. Hard Gales with Sleet Close Reefed the Main Fore Topsails. Handed the Mizen Topsail and Mainsail. Got all the Dead lights in and Hatches battened down.

10:00 pm A Very heavy Sea Struck us on the Larboard Quarter & carried away a Sweep and Spritsail Topsail Yard.

Monday, Dec. 24, 1787

12:00 am Heavy Squalls & Rain with a high Sea which obliges me to Carry much Sail to prevent it breaking over us.

8:00 am A Sea struck us on the larboard Quarter and Stove the Dead light in and Shipped a great deal of Water, got another Dead light in and dryed the Ship but some of the bread has got damaged.

11:00 am No abatement of the Gale. Several Sail in sight lying too. Ordered all Wet Cloaths to be taken by the Fire to dry.

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