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Revised May 24 2021

Bligh's Resource Logbook Sep 9, 1789

H K F Courses Winds Remarks Wednesday 9 Sept'r. 1789
22"SWbW½:WENEModerate Breezes and Hazy Wr.
434""The Cockscomb Hill SEbS off Shore 2 Leagues
64"""The Cockscomb Hill SbW½W off shore 4 Miles and the Extremes of Java E½S to W½S
83Many fires abreast of us. Sounded every half Hour
92"WbN"Light Variable Winds
1012WestSbWheard the sound of the Surf
1214""Java EbS to SSW
322West SSW
42"WbSSbWFresh Breezes
62"""Extremes of Java E to WbW½W off Shore 3 Leagues
72""SoCockscomb Hill SEbS 6 or 7 Leagues
9" Calm
10""Several Prows in sight Soundings 17 fathoms Soft Ozey bottom
1214WbSNWbWLight Airs and fair Wr. with much haze Extremes Java EbS to W½W off Shore 8 Miles Soundings 16½ fathoms soft Ozey bottom
Latitude Long'de West
CourseDist.Obsd.D Rof Coupang
West457°..32′ So7°..32′ So12°..58′ W


This Day has shewn or given to me little more knowledge of the Coast of Java than that it appears to have a low shore free of any dangers with a high Mountanious Country at the back of it.

I found Soundings of 17 fathoms about 3 Leagues off a fine Ozey bottom and at Noon I had nearly the same, when I supposed myself about 8 Miles from the Shore.

I intended before to day to have steered to the NW for the Western part of Madura to have stopt at Crissey or Surabyah to get Water but it being an Article I am in want of & seeing the run of Light Variable Winds and Weather, I determined to touch at Passerwang, a Dutch Settlement on the Western part of this Shore. I therefore directed my attention to find out this place as I have accounts that it affords good refreshments of every kind.

Sep 7, 1789

If I may judge from supposed distances the part of the Coast to day is to the Northward of Cape Sandana, for on the 7th. I set it 5 Leags to the Southward and I have continued since that in the Lat'de. of 7°..32′ South but the comparative distances of Yesterday and to day Noon make this part of the Coast in a like parallel about 7°..40′S but this hereafter I may more particularly be able to determine.

By my Account I have made 86 Miles of Westing From Cape Sundana.

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