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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 24 2021

Bligh's Resource Logbook Sep 8, 1789

H K F Courses Winds Remarks Tuesday 8th Sept'r. 1789
14"WestSSWFresh Breezes and Hazy
242""Cape Sundana true South
44"WSWSoCape Sundana SSE½E
636""Cape Sundana S.E. off shore 3 Leagues and High Cockscomb Hill near Besockie WSW Westermost land in sight WbS½S 3 or 4 Leagues
936WestSSESeveral large Fires
1037"S.E.Passed a Prow
1236""Cockscomb Hill S½W
3" Calm Wr. Calm Wr.
6"Extremes of Java EbS½S to WSW Cockscomb Hill S½E
11"15 prows in sight
12"Calm and hazy Wr. High Land of Cape Sandana EbS½S Cockscomb Hill South distance off Shore 3 Leagues. Westermost Land in sight SWbW½W and the land about the Eastermost part of Madura from NWbW to North
Latitude Long'de West
CourseDist.Obsd.D Rof Coupang
West497°..34′ So7°..36′S12°..13′W


In the Afternoon a high detach'd Hill shew itself & resembled the Comb of a Cock. I [k]new this by information I got at the Cape of Good Hope and by the Map I have to be near a Settlement a little to the westward of it called Besockia. As One half of these 24 Hours were Calm I was only abreast of it at Noon, and the Land about the East part of Madura was in sight and also a great many prows that appeared coming from that Coast

The interior parts of Java are here very Mountainous but towards the Shore it is low and the whole appeared to be a fertile Country

In the course of the day we saw a number of circular straked Water Snakes and during the Calm a prodigious quantity of white spots like Shirt Buttons which on being taken up proved to be a kind of blubber with a firm body perfectly circular and equally intersected through the Center with innumerable diameters and parrallel circles round the Body were many fibrous feeders of a fine blue colour but were so delicate that on being touched they seperated from the body. Those were scarce perceptible when in the Water.

Many Fish were seen but very few Birds.

I still continue to have two Men ill with intermitting Fevers all I can do for them at present is by giving them a little Wine when the Fever is off

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