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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 23, 1793

[H M Ship Providence from Jamaica] towards England – 1793

Sunday June 23d

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and dark cloudy weather

 2 pm: Heavy squalls and rain came on suddenly Up Courses – close reefed the Fore & Main Top Sail & handed Mizen Top Sail. at 2 set the foresail and wore ship more moderate set close reefed Topsails – at 4 moderate breeze and cloudy weather – at 4..30 In 2d Reefs – Exercised great guns and small Arms & worked the Pumps as usual

12 mid: Fresh Breezes and fair weather

 1 am: Tacked Ship – Sounded, no ground 106 fathom

 4 am: At Daylight three sail in sight in the NW and 1 in the NE – Assistant and Prize in company – at 5 Tacked at ½ past saw a strange Sail from the Mast head on the Bow – served thich gruel for breakfast – moderate breeze and cloudy weather Cleaned below; Mustered in Divisions loosed the small Sails to dry – & Exercised great Guns & small Arms – Hoisted the colors, answered by the Ships to Leeward with English – Take them to be the Packet, Thomas, & Cleminson – at 11 Tacked Ship

12 noon: At Noon moderate breeze and fair weather with haze – Assistant & Prize in company & the three Ships bearing Nw 6 or 7 Miles
Made the Assistants Signal to shew Latitude Answered with 23..49 North She then bore NW about 1¾ of a mile

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