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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 22, 1793

H M Ship Providence from Jamaica [towards England – 1793]

Remarks Saturday June 22d

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fair weather – At 2 hove too, hoisted out the small cutter & sent her for Lieutenant Portlock – at ¼ past the boat returned, made sail – Several water Spouts in the SSW & SSE – Light shower of rain – at 4 light breeze and fine weather – Exercised great Guns and small Arms

 7 pm: At 7 Hove to, and sent the small cutter on board the Assistant with Lieutenant Portlock. ½ past she returned hoisted her in & made sail

12 mid: Moderate breeze & fine weather

 3 am: Light Squalls

 4 am: At Day light the Jupiter, Mary & two strange Sail in sight, bearing NW & another bearing South

 8 am: Fresh Breezes and fair weather with haze on the Horizon – at 8 Tacked Ship – Got up the Chests & Bags, & washed the Gun, Orlop, & Cockpit decks Carpenters repairing the cutter – Exercised great Guns & small arms – ½ past 10 hove to Hoisted out the small cutter & sent her on board the Prize Schooner to bring on board a Sick Man at 11 In cutter and made sail – at Noon moderate breezes and fair weather with haze on the horizon. The Assistant and prize schooner in company & Ships bearing as at day light

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