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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Apr 12--14, 1793

H M Ship Providence – Moored in Port Royal [Harbour Jamaica – 1793]

Remarks &c

April 1793

Friday 12th First part moderate breezes with heavy showers of rain – middle part light breezes and cloudy – latter part moderate and fair – PM discharged the four Seamen that entered yesterday, into H. M. Schoner Spitfire Lieutenant Perkins commander – At Midnight sailed H M Schooner Spitfire on a cruize – AM Sailmakers & Carpenters employed at the Yard – People washing their cloaths – loosed sails to dry – Received 151 pound of fresh beef – at 10 AM made the Signal to the [Pen?] for a Messenger

Saturday 13th First part moderate breezes and dark cloudy weather – middle part moderate breezes and fair – latter part strong breezes and fair weather – PM arrived here a french schooner, prize to the Proserpine, laden with salt – made Signal to [Pen?] for a Messenger – entered three Men – AM Sailmakers & Carpenters employed at the Yard – People scrubbing their Hammocks – loosed sails to dry – received 30 pound of fresh beef – Up all Chests and bags & washed the Gun, Orlop, & Cockpit decks – Answered [pen?] Signal for a Midshipman

Sunday 14th Moderate breezes and fair all these 24 hours – Carpenters and Sailmakers as yesterday – Cleaned below & mustered in divisions – at 11 made the Signal for a Kittereen – Answered Signal for a Lieutenant – Arrived the Sloop Marlborough Lieutenant James with two french Schooners Prizes – Received fresh beef – Came to an anchor at Port Royal the Duke of Cumberland Packet bound to Falmouth

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