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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Apr 9-11, 1793

[H M Ship Providence from moored in Port Royal Harbour] Jamaica 1793

Remarks &c

Tuesday 9th First part moderate breeze with haze & showers of rain – middle and latter parts moderate breeze and fair – AM Sailmakers employed at the Yard – loosed the sails to dry – received 150 pound of fresh beef and served i to the Ships Company Got up all chests and Bags, washed the Gun, Orlop and Cockpit decks – arrived here a french Prize Sloop to the Penelope – discharged four men, unserviceable

Wednesday 10th First part fresh breezes and fair weather – middle and latter part light airs and fair – PM arrived a french Schooner, prize to the Hyana AM Sailmakers employed at the Yard – Sailed H M Cutter Advice on a cruize – boats & people employed carrying french Prisoners to Kingston and putting them on board the Mary Anne Prison Shjip – carried 15 from the Providence & three from the Assistant – received 150 pound beef

Thursday 11th First part moderate breezes with heavy showers of rain – middle part light airs and cloudy – latter part fresh breezes and fair – AM Sailmakers employed at the Yard – loosed sails to dry Sent the Launch to the yard to repair – received 151 pound of fresh beef – at 10 furled Sails – entered four Seamen ne Seized a small schooner that had been sailing under french colours, called the William & Robert

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