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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 11-13, 1793

[H M Ship Providence moored in Port Royal Harbour] Jamaica – 1793

Remarks &c


Monday February 11 Light breeze and fair weather AM Received fresh beef – 110 pound – employed trimming the Ship – Shifted the Ships companys Hamacoes & aired the Bedding – at 5 sent plants on shore per Assistants Launch – Sailmakers on the After awning – served fresh Beef – Plants sent Bread fruit 75 – Various kind 43 – [total] 118

Tuesday February 12th First part light breeze and fair weather – middle part Calm – latter part moderate breeze & fine weather – PM Sent Breadfruit 84, various other plants 44 on shore – at 5 AM sent 185 Pots of various plants on shore per Assistants Launch – Received fresh Beef – served it to the Ships Company – Washed below – Sailmaker on the after awning – Scrubbed the Hammock Cloths

Wednesday 13th February First part moderate breeze and fair weather with a light shower of rain – middle & latter part light Breezes – at 4 PM anchored here H. M. S. Proserpine Captain Alms – sent various kinds of plants on shore – Viz. Tubs 6. Pots 130. Boxes 2 Empty pots sent on shore 79 – Received 54 pounds of fresh Beef – served it to the Ships Company – Cleaned below – at 10..30 A Pilot came on board and took charge of the Ship – weighed the small Bower & hove short on the Stream

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