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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jan 15, 1793

H M Ship Providence from St Helena [towards St. Vincents – 1793]

Remarks Tuesday January 15th

 1 pm: Strong gale and cloudy weather – In Lower steering Sail

 4 pm: Sailmaker repairing the Fore Top Gallant Sail & lower steering Sail – passed thro' a very strong rippling – worked the pumps as usual – spoke the Assistant per Signal

 9 pm: In Fore Top Mast steering Sail & Top Gallant Sail

10 pm: Saw a Mother carys chicken – at 8 set the Main Top Gallant Sail

12 mid: Fair weather

 4 am: Fresh gale and hazy

 5 am: Set the Fore Top Gallant Sail – Served thick portable soup gruel for Breakfast. Saw Albacores and flying fish – Ditto Weather – up all Chests and Bags and washed the Gun, Orlop and cockpit decks – Aired Ship with fires. at 9 out 2d Reef Fore & Main Topsail, & set the Fore Top Mast steering Sail – Served Krout Sailmakers repairing the steering Sails

12 noon: Fresh breezes and fine weather – Assistant in Company – Broached a Puncheon of Spruce
   Latitude Observed 9°..34′ North

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