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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jan 4, 1793

[H M Ship Providence from St Helena Islands towards] St. Vincents in the West Indies – 1793

Friday January 4th

 1 pm: Fresh breeze and cloudy weather

 2 pm: Saw several flying fish

 4 pm: Light Squalls and a shower of small Rain

 6 pm: Worked the Pumps

 8 pm: Fair weather

12 mid: Ditto Weather

 4 am: Ditto Weather

 5 am: Served thick portable Soup gruel for breakfast

 7 am: Fair weather – cleaned below and aired with fires – Sailmaker repairing the old Mizen Top Sail – People washing and mending their cloaths

 8 am: Served Portable Soup in the Pease for dinner

12 noon: Fresh breezes and fair weather – Assistant in Company – Exercised great Guns
   Latitude Observed 4°..58′ South

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