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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Dec 27, 1792

H M S Providence from St Helena Islands towards St. Vincents in the West Indies – 1792

Thursday December 27th – Remarks &c

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather – received a live Bullock – hoisted in the Launch

 4 pm: Discharged John Barden Seaman Sick – Thomas Mathers Seaman, ran from the Ship

 6 pm: Unmoored and hove in to ⅔ of a Cable on the Best Bower – stowed the Sheet anchor – employed clearing Ship for Sea – at 8 Up Top Gallant Yards and hoisted in the Boats – The Genoese Ship left the Bay for Europe –

11 pm: At 11..30 weighed under Single reefed Top Sails – Saluted by the fort with 15 Guns – returned an equal number – at 12..15 bore away out all Reefs, and set Starboard steering Sails – Left in the Bya H. M. S. Atalanta & East India Company Ship Ganges – when we bore away St. James at SSE about 2 miles distant – confined Jonn Letbie Quarter Master for neglect of duty

 5 am: At 5 The Extremes of the Island from SbE to SE½S – Dark cloudy weather with showers of light rain – Saw many flying fish & a St. Helena Pigeon – Cleaned below and aired with fires, stowed the anchors & unbent the Cables – bent the Spanker and unbent the Mizen – supplied the Assistant with 72 pounds of fresh beef – Served fresh beef to the Ships Company – Punished John Curry Seaman with 8 Lashes for insolence to his superior Officer & neglect of duty – & John Letbie with the same number of Lashes for neglect of duty – At Noon a moderate breeze & cloudy weather Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 15°..07′ South

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