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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Dec 18-20, 1792

H M Ship Providence moored in St. James's Bay [Island of St. Helena – 1792]

Remarks &c

Tuesday December 18th Moderate breeze and fine weather – Sailed the French Ship At 1 Tripped the best bower, warped farther in shore & let go the small Bower in 13 fathoms water mud & sandy bottom veered away and moored Ship EBS & WbN a cable on the small Bower and ½ Cable on the best
   Ship's Draught of Water Foreward 14 feet..6 Inches Abaft 15..6
Got the Top Gallant Steering Sail booms off the Yards – Sent an old Mizen Top Sail & spars on shore per Launch & erected a Tent near the Crane for the Cooper – Sent empty Casks on shore – Captain Bligh went on shore and on entering the governors House was saluted by the fort at [Ladder?] Hill with 13 Guns – down Top Gallant Yards – AM Light Airs and cloudy – at 4 mizzling rain, employed starting Salt water, sending empty Casks on shore, unstowing the after hold and stowing the Spirit room – A Few Mackarel were taken on board with Hook & Line – sent men on shore to gather water Cresses for the Crew – At Noon moderate breeze and cloudy weather – Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer – Bearings when moored, Horse Pasture Point S60°W Flag Staff S16°E, Steeple of St James's Church S12°E, Sugar Loaf Point N66E, the Best Bower in 19fms water, dark sand and muddy bottom – Unbent the 2d best Main Top Sail & bent the old one, & unbent the old Mizen Top Sail & bent the new one

Wednesday December 19th First and middle parts moderate breezes and hazy weather nmd Latter part fresh gale and hazy weather PM employed sending empty Casks on shore & in the holds – AM employed sending empty Casks on shore, and a party to pick water Cresses. Served fresh breezes [?] and water cresses to the Ships Company – Received two turns of water per Launch – People employed in the holds & about the rigging, unbent the 2d best Fore Top Sail and bent the old one

Thursday December 20th Fresh breezes and Squally – received water per Launch employed in the Holds and about the Rigging – AM Strong breeze and Squally – Sailed the british Tar of London, on the Whale fishery, sent Plants on Shore Viz+ [blank]
At 9 Governor Brooke – Lieutenant Governor Robson & Mr. Wrangham of the Council came on board, saluted the Governor with 13 Guns – sent the Parties to gather water Cresses – served them and fresh Beef to the Ships Company – Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer

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