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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Dec 8, 1792

H M S Providence from Timor towards St. Helena [– 1792]

Remarks Saturday December 8th

 1 pm: A Fresh gale and fine weather

 3 pm: Saw Sheerwaters, Pintada birds, Cary Chickens, Porpoises, and a Man of war bird

 5 pm: Sailmaker repairing the old Main Top Sail – Carpenter painting the Quarter Deck

 8 pm: Ditto Weather Set the larboard steering Sails

11 pm: A Heavy dew falling – Saw Meteors

 4 am: Fine clear weather – Dew falling – made all possible Sail

 7 am: Served the usual breakfast

 8 am: Fresh breezes and fine weather

 9 am: Carpenters caulking and painting the Pinnace Seamen scraping the Deck; washing & mending their cloaths – Saw Sheerwaters and Pintada Birds – Served Krout

12 noon: Strong breezes and fair Top Gallant Steering Sails & Royals set – Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 28°..16′ South

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