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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Oct 23, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Timor towards [St. Helena – 1792]

Remarks Tuesday October 23d

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and dark cloudy weather – Sailmaker repairing Sails – Carpenters caulking part of the water ways on the gun deck

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 8 pm: Dark cloudy weather – made and shortened Sail occasionally for the Assistant to keep in her station

12 mid: Hard squalls with showers of small Rain

 5 am: In 3d Reefs Fore & Main and first Mizen Top Sails

 6 am: Strong Gales and thick clouds with squalls – served thick portable Soup gruel for Breakfast at 8 – cleaned below and aired with fires – at 9 out 3d Reefs Top Sails and set Main Top Gallant Sail – Hoisted the cutter off the Skids & stowed her on the Main Deck – secured the Booms with preventer lashings – Unbent & repaired the Main Top Mast Staysail – Saw a flock of Sea birds

12 noon: At Noon strong gales and thick cloudy weather with light rain and very hazy – Assistant in Company

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