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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Oct 2, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Otaheite towards [Timor in the East Indies – 1792]

Remarks Tuesday October 2d

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and Squally weather – in 3d Reefs

 2 pm: Baffling winds, Light airs and Squalls – fired a Gun and made the Signal for a Pilot – at 1..10 Tacked Ship – Saw a Snow at anchor open with the SW Point of Coupang Bay with dutch colours flying – repeated the Signal with another gun – At 4 brought up with the Best Bower in 22 fathoms coral sand SW Point of Coupang Bay N68°E about 2½ mile distant NE Point of Pulo Samow N15°E about ¾ of a mile – Pulo Karree N31°E to N29°E about 4 Miles distant – Point on the East Side of the Passage S22W 2½ miles distant – Ditto on the West Side S35°..30′W about 10 miles distant – at 5..30 Lieutenant Guthrie was sent in the whale boat to Coupang – at 11 he returned accompanied by the Captain of the Snow belonging to the Dutch East India company which had been in the Bay five months from Batavia – From Captain Bauberg we received the melancholy news of the Loss of H.M.S. Pandora (somewhere about the Coasts of New Holland and/or Guinea) and of the safety, and arrival, of Captain Edwards, her commander, with most of the crew and Prisoners of H.M.S. Bounty – He also acquainted us with the miraculous escape to Coupang of a boat with several Persons who had deserted from Port Jackson – These, as well as the Pandoras, and Bountys People were gone for Batavia and England

 4 am: At 4 Light Airs inclinable to Calm – at ½ past sent for the Assistants Launch to run out a Kedge Anchor, The Bower having Slacked from heaving too short to reach clear anchor – at 9..40 weighed and made sail with a Light breeze – Sent the Boats a head to tow – Captain Bouberg acting as Pilog – Moderate breeze – Light Airs – when off the NE Point of Pulo Samow from ¼ to ½ mile distant

11 am: At 11..30 brought up wi9th the small Bower in 16½ fathoms soft ground – veered away and moored Ship SE & NW The Best Bower to the SE in 9 fathoms The fort saluted us with 15 Guns which was returned with an equal Number – off Shore ⅓ of a mile

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