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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 30, 1792

H M Ship Providence [1792]

Remarks Sunday September 30th

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and hazy at 1..20 bore away

 2 pm: People washing and mending cloaths

 3 pm: Saw a Man of war bird, and some brown Gulls

 6 pm: rather Squally

 8 pm: Cloudy

10 pm: Fair weather

12 mid: Moderate breezes and fair weather

 1 am: Squally – Hauled to the wind on the Starboard Tack

 3 am: Wore Ship – Fresh breezes

 5 am: At 5 wore ship – Saw the Island of Timor in the NWBN made the Signal and bore up – At 6.30 the Land bore from N15°E 6 Leagues to N74°W about 4 Leagues distant off shore 11 or 12 Miles – Made alol sail and served the usual breakfast – at 8 Light breezes – Extremes of the Land from NNE½E to NWBN – at 10..30 saw the Island of Rottie bearing WSW Mustered in Divisions & performed divine Service – Served Krout but none in the Pease for dinner – at 11 Saw white water hauled to the wind spoke the Assistant who bore away to sound in the white water – Assistant made the Signal that we might follow without danger

12 noon: At Noon Moderate breezes & fine weather – Island Rottie from S70W to N72°W 7 Leagues – High Hill of Rottie S74°W – Island of Timor from N32°W 7 Leagues to N51°E 6 Leagues – A Mountain in the Valley N18E – off shore about 4 Leagues

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