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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Aug 30, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Matavai Bay] Otaheite towards Timor in the East Indies – 1792

Thursday August 30th

 1 pm: Light airs and fair weather

 2 pm: Exercised the boats crews at small Arms

 3 pm: Opened a Cask of Pork No 5 Contents [blank] Pieces

 5 pm: Saw several Birds of the Gull species with black wings and backs and light colored bellies

 7 pm: In steering and Top Gallant Sails, and 2d Reefs Top Sails – Spoke the Assistant – all well

 9 pm: The looming appeared to the Northward, with small flashes of Lightning in the same Quarter

11 pm: Heavy dew falling

 1 am: Under an easy sail all night the Assistant leading a head with a light

 3 am: Some of the black gulls about the Ship

 4 am: Light haze and cloudy weather – at ½ past 5 saw Land* from the Dark that bore from NE½E to NNE½E 9 or 10 Leagues distant
* The Land was high and mountainous
The Assistant made the Signal for seeing it in the same Quarter – Out Reefs and made all sail – Saw a Boobie and other birds of the Gull kind as mentioned in the night – flying fish – Served thick portable Soup gruel for breakfast – Up all Chests and bags and cleared away on the Gun Deck – washed the gun, orlop and Cockpit decks & destroyed numbers of Cockroaches on the Gun Deck Carpenters employed fitting the Launch – People working up Junk – Sailmaker repairing the Pinnaces covering – Served Krout in the Pease for Dinner – At Noon a moderate breeze and fine weather with haze – The water uncommonly smooth – Land in sight from the Mast head bearing from NNE to NE½E 11 or 12 Leagues Distant
   Latitude Observed 10°05′ South

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