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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jul 31, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Matavai Bay Otaheite] towards Timor in the East Indies – 1792

Remarks Tuesday July 31st 1792

 1 pm: Light Airs and fair weather – a swell from the Eastward – Sailmaker employed repairing the old Fore Top Sail – people fitting the new one

 5 pm: Unbent the old Top Gallant Sail to repair – bent & set the new one – worked the pumps as usual

 8 pm: Light airs and cloudy weather

10 pm: Showers of rain

12 mid: Light Airs and thick Atmosphere

 2 am: Rain

 4 am: Cloudy

 5 am: Small rain

 7 am: Served thick portable Soup gruel for breakfast – at 8 Light airs and calms with cloudy weather – a swell from the SW – cleaned below Set the Fore Top Mast Steering Sail – Exercised the boats crews at small Arms – Served Krout to the Ships Company – Carpenters repairing the Plant House and making sashes for the plant House scuttles – At Noon light
   Latitude Observed 00 . 00
breeze and thick cloudy weather – Assistant in Company

Savage Island at Noon bore N80°W Distant 6 Leagues

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