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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jul 1-3, 1792

[H M S Providence Moored in Matavai Bay] Otaheite

July 1-3 1792

Sunday 1st Fresh breezes and fair weather all these 24 hours – PM the people washing and mending cloaths Carpenters sawing plank lining the ports & repairing the whale boat – finish painting the Ship. AM sent a party to haul the Seine – The party returned with a few fish – sent the cutter to Oparre for provisions – Washed & cleaned the ship, mustered in divisions, and performed divine service – read the articles of war; and abstract to the ship's Company; Served fresh pork plantains &c as usual – a party on leave as usual

Monday 2d First and middle part light breezes and fair weather – latter part fresh breezes and fair & Fresh breeze from the Eastward all these 24 Hours in the Offing – PM the cutter returned from Oparre with a supply of Pigs and plantains – AM Carpenters employed lining the ports and repairing the whale boat – people employed in the Main hold and cutting broom Stuff – Sailmaker repairing the cutters sails – Served Tobacco tot he Ships Company – Fresh pork anhd plantains as usual – The Cutter employed sounding the Bay

Tuesday 3d First part moderate breeze and fair weather middle part calm and cloudy – latter part light breezes and variable weather – AM people employed hoisting water out of the fore hold and stowing it – Launch employed watering – Received a turn of water per Launch – Carpenters employed lining the ports and repairing the whale boat sawing plank – cooper examining and repairing Casks Served fresh pork plantains &c and received a moderate supply

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