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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook May 13-16, 1792

[H M Ship Providence Moored in Matavai Bay] Otaheite

May 13-16 1792

Sunday 13th Fresh Breezes and fair weather – The People washing and mending their cloaths – Carpenters building the Green house & about the Launch – at 8 moderate Breeze and cloudy – at 2 AM Squally with a shower of Rain – at 3 fair weather – Cleaned below – mustered the People in Divisions and performed devine Service – Served fresh Pork &c &c and received a moderate Supply – At Noon moderate Breezes & fine weather

Monday 14th Moderate breeze and fine weather – at 8 Cloudy Am Light Airs and clear weather – received water per Cutter, Cleaned below – Unbent the Fore Top Sail – People employed about the Rigging – Carpenters Building the Green houses and at the Launch – Served fresh Pork, Bread fruit Cocoa Nuitts Tarra &c and received a moderate Supply At Noon Light Airs and fair weather

Tuesday 15 Calm employed about the rigging at 10 Light Airs – Carpenters employed building the Green houses and at the Launch – Served fresh Pork, Bread fruit &c and received a moderate Supply – Employed clearing away the fore hold to get Planks for the Carpenters at Noon light breezes and fair weather

Wednesday 16th mf breezes and fair weather – at 8 Light Airs and cloudy – Carpenters employed building the Green houses and working at the Launch – at 4 Sent the Cutter with a Party of Men tro haul the Seine at 8 she retuened with 90 pounds fish, chiefly Cavallies – Served fish to the Crew – Cooper employed making Borachios – People about the Rigging and in the Main hold – Served fresh Pork Bread fruit &c &c – and received a moderate Supply At Noon Light Airs and fair weather

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