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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Apr 29-May 2, 1792

H M S Providence Moored in Matavai Bay [Otaheite]

April 29-May 2 1792

Sunday 29th Moderate breeze and fair weather – sent 1 half Hogshead on shore, and received a turn of water per Launch Carpenters about the Green house and caulking the Sides, People washing and mending their Cloaths – at 8 Light Airs and clear weather – AM Calm – at 8 [sic] a moderate Breeze and fair weather Cleaned below, mustered the Ships Company in Divisions, and performed divine Service – Served fresh Pork &c – And Received a plentiful Supply of Fruit, but few Pigs – Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer for the Ships Company

Monday 30th Moderate Breezes and fine weather at 6 Cleared Hawse – at 8 fair weather AM Calm – at 4 moderate breezes and fair weather – Carpenters employed Caulking the Sides, and building ye Green house – Cooper repairing Casks – People about the Rigging – loosed Sails to dry – Served fresh Pork &c to the Crew – Received a moderate Supply & 3½ Ton of Ballast per Launch – at Noon moderate breeze and fine weather

Tuesday 1st May Moderate breezes and fine weather – furled Sails – Received water per Launch – at 6 Light Airs and clear weather AM Carpenters employed about the Green house – Cooper making Tubs for the Plants an drg Casks – People about the rigging – Received 4 Tons of Shingle Ballast per Launch – Washed the Gun Orlop and Cockpit Decks – at Noon a moderate breeze and fine weather – Received a moderate supply of Pork &c – Served Pork &c to the Ships Company – loosed Sails

Wednesday 2 Moderate breezes and fair weather – roused up the small Bower and Sheet Cables, Cleaned the Tiers & payed the Cables down again – handed Sails, Cleared Hawse AM Moderate breeze and cloudy weather – employed in the fore hold – Received four Ton of Shingle Ballast per Launch – Carpenters on the Green House and caulking the Sides – Cooper repairing Casks – Sent 5 Puncheons, 2 Barrels & 1 Half Hogshead on shore Served fresh Pork &c – and received a moderate Supply

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