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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Apr 5, 1792

H M S Providence from Adventure Bay Van Diemens [Land towards Otaheite – 1792]

Thursday April 5th 1792

 1 pm: A Fresh Trade and fair weather

 2 pm: Squally with Showers

 4 pm: Exercised the Pinnaces Crew at Small Arms Armouer at the Forge

 6 pm: Worked the pumps

 7 pm: In steering Sails and 1 Reefs of the Topsails – set the Fore Top Mast Steering Sail

 9 pm: Hauled down the Fore Top Mast Steering Sail

12 mid: Fresh Trade and fair weather

 4 am: Fine weather out Reefs and set Steering Sails – The People had the same breakfast as yesterday

 7 am: Up all Chests and Bags washed the Gun Orlop and Cockpit Decks, Aired with the Stoves – Sour Krout and wort as usual Armourer at the Forge – Sailmaker repairing the Fore Top Mast Steering Sail – Marines at Platoon firing – Pinnaces Crew at Small Arms – at 10 Saw a low Island bearing from SW to W½N distant 2 Leagues down Steering Sails and handed Top Gallant Sails & hauled up – At Noon the Extremes of ye [?] of ye Island, SW Point S19° East, NE Point EbN½N distant off shore 3 or 4 Miles – Saw great numbers of Tropic Birds some flying fish, Bonettas, Men of War Birds and Sheerwaters

12 noon: At Noon fresh Breeze and Squally – Latitude Observed 21°..39′ South

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