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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Mar 6, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land [towards Otaheite in 1792]

Tuesday March 6th 1792

 1 pm: A Hard Gale and very thick misty weather with a high following Sea – Saw the same kind of Birds as yesterday – Seals and Rock weed – had a Glimpsse of the Sun for a short time in the course of the afternoon – at 3 more moderate set the Fore Sail – Let in fresh Water and pumped it out again as usual

 8 pm: At 8 Strong Gales and Squally with light Rain

10 pm: Kept a fire in the Gally to dry Ship all night

11 pm: at 11 more moderate set the Fore Top Sail – the Ship rolling deep – at 3 clewed up the Top Sails and shewed a light. handed the Fore Top Sail at 4 set the Main Top Sail – Strong Gale and cloudy

 8 am: More moderate thick misty weather – set the Fore Mizen and out 4th Reef Mizen Top Sail – Saw the same kind of Birds as yesterday except the Silver Birds – Served Portable Soup and Gruel for Breakfast

10 am: Saw a Seal – at 10 Krout and wort as usual – moderate out 3d Reef Top Sails & 1st Reef Fore Sail – Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer for the People

11 am: Cleaned dry below and aird with fires

12 noon: At Noon a moderate Breeze and thick misty weather – a [?] Sea – swell from the SW – Assistant in Company
   No Observation

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