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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 25, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Adventure Bay Van Diemens [Land towards Otaheite in 1792]

Saturday February 25th 1792

 1 pm: Fresh Gales with frequent hard Squalls & rain – More moderate set the Main Top Sail

 5 pm: Stowed the Anchors

 9 pm: Fresh Gales and Squally with rain – kept a fire in the Galleyh throughout the night to air Ship

 1 am: More moderate, set the fore Top Sail

 5 am: Set the Mizen Top Sail

 8 am: Out 3d Reef Fore and Main & 2d Mizen Top Sails & got up the Top Gallant Yards

 9 am: Cleaned below and aired the Ship with fires

10 am: Set the Main Top Gallant Sail – Served Gruel and sweet wort as usual

11 am: Bent the best Mizen Top Sail

12 noon: At Noon Fresh Breezes and Squally
 Saw the same kind of Birds as yesterday
   Latitude Observed 45°..45′ South

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